




The Ocean Acidification Sentinel Site (OASeS) on the Olympic Coast of Washington state will focus on ocean acidification (OA) related science and identify trends in carbonate chemistry and hypoxia. The sentinel site will be used to inform resource managers and coastal communities by telling the story of OA and its impacts on both Washington coastal marine resources, coastal cultures, communities, and economies. OASeS will seek to ensure that the Olympic Coast is well prepared for changing ocean conditions, with research and management actions in place.

Goal 1

The Olympic Coast OA Sentinel Site facilitates identification and coordination of shared OA management priorities and seeks to fill information needs.

  • Objective 1.1: Consider and address the information needs of resource managers, policy makers and coastal communities, and identify natural and social science research and monitoring priorities
  • Objective 1.2: Report and interpret, as appropriate, OA data, knowledge products, and best management practices to decision makers in a form that is readily usable
  • Objective 1.3: Integrate sentinel site actions into regional, national, and international OA efforts to coordinate research with management goals
  • Objective 1.4: Facilitate ongoing information sharing and exchange

Goal 2

The Olympic Coast OA Sentinel Site facilitates and promotes strategic science collaborations in recognition of management needs.

  • Objective 2.1: Develop a joint natural and social science research plan based upon research priorities identified under Goal 1
  • Objective 2.2: Assess the constellation of current monitoring to identify gaps and the efficacy of current efforts to attribute chemical, biological, and ecosystem change to OA
  • Objective 2.3: Collaborate with Olympic Coast communities to identify and elevate social science research and information needs that are reflective of their priorities and values
  • Objective 2.4: Collect data that can help validate models, improve forecasting, and develop early warning systems
  • Objective 2.5: Make data available to larger regional and global networks such as NANOOS and GOA-ON
  • Objective 2.6: Collaborate on OA funding proposals, focusing on research and long-term studies that address the priorities of the Sentinel Site

Goal 3

The Olympic Coast OA Sentinel Site promotes ocean literacy, awareness and inspires stewardship, with an emphasis on OA, for a diverse range of audiences which may include: resource managers, scientists, educators, funders, visitors, elected officials, decision and policy makers, media, local communities, and virtual visitors

  • Objective 3.1: Educate the public, resource managers, and decision makers through formal and informal activities and programs
  • Objective 3.2: Connect educators with relevant materials and curriculum
  • Objective 3.3: Enhance education and outreach to the public with targeted digital and in-person engagement activities
  • Objective 3.4: Raise awareness and mobilize public support